dimanche 23 juin 2019

3ds max 2020.1 تحديث جديد

السلام عليكم
قامت شركة أوتوديسك بارسال تحديث جديد لبرنامجها الشهير 3ds max

tear-off viewports and a new 

hotkey editor

تفاصيل أكثر بهذا الفيديو الذي يشرح الجديد بهذا التحديدث
مشاهدة طيبة

منقول بتصرف من موقع  cgpress

mardi 18 juin 2019

Itoo forest pack pro for 3DS MAX 2019

أهلا بكم
دائما مع جديد المواضيع
طرحنا فيما سبق  موضوع خاص بهذا الفلتلا الرقم واحد فيما يخص الموؤثرات الطبيعية و كان ذلك يخص نسخة الماكس 2018 أما الآن نقدّم بين يديكم الفلتر الخاص بنسخته الجديدة لنسخة الماكس 2019
شرح التنصيب بهذا الفيديو من قناة روسية لكن مفههوومة :)
روابط التحميل من هنا
مقسمة الى ثلاث أجزاء :
الجزء الأول
الجزء الثاني
الجزء الثالث
أو تحميل رابط بجزء واحد اذا كان لك انترنت تدفّق عالي من هنا : التحميل

بالتوفيق للجميع

How to texture a curved Roads correctly/ كيف تقوم باكساء طريق مائل و منعرج بطريقة سهلة و صحيحة

To day i show you how to do a texture on curved Roads correctly and very easily without any plugin or difficulty Just follow this tutorial made with 10 step with pictures screen from my 











mercredi 27 juin 2018

3DSMAX the future of render : OSL features - the Open Shading Language

OSL (Open Shading Language) : 3ds Max 2019

ستستمتعون حقا بهذا الفيديو الذي يشرح فيه قوة هذه الخاصية 
مشاهدة ممتعة

mardi 26 juin 2018

Itoo forest pack pro for 3DS MAX 2018

أهلا بكم
كالعادة و مع الجديد...نقدم إليكم أحد أقوى فلاتر الماكس الخاص بالطبيعة و انشاء  المساحات الخضراء من حشائش و أشجار و بجدوة جد عالية....البرنامج بنسخته  التي تعمل على ماكس 2018

itoo saftware  forest pack pro أقوى فلاتر الماكس من هذه الناحية
أترككم مع هذا الفيديو التوضيحي و روابط التحميل للبرنامج الكامل
حمّلوه...ثبثوه و اتبعوا التعليمات و استمتعو بقوته داخل الماكس 2018
الشرح  نبدة عن البرنامج :
رابط التحميل :
Itoo forest pack pro Download

كلمة فك السر : bourass

منقول : (bourass mohammed)

lundi 25 juin 2018

Design with the GOLDEN RATIO/ النسبة الذهبية

السلام عليكم
النسبة الذهبية أو قاعدة التصميم المذهلة التي نجدها بكل شيئ على وجه الأرض و التي تعطي للمشاهد راحة فيما يراه.
 و من لا يعرف كيفية استعمالها اليكم هذا الفيديو للأخ محمد أشرف  من قناته الرسمية على اليوتيوب...واستمتعو بالشرح الذي اتمنى ان يعود عليكم بالفائدة.

dimanche 24 juin 2018

برنامج التصميم الغني عن التعريف : AUDODESK 3DS MAX بنسخته الجديدة 2019

أهلا بكم
كعادتي و من دون اطالة نود أن نشارك معكم هذا الخبر  والذي سنتكلم فيه عن جديد الخصائص المدمجة في النسخة الجديدة من الماكس 2019 : (مقتبس من موقع CGWAY.NET)
اعلنت كالعادة شركة أتوديسك في الثاني والعشرون من مارس 2018 عن أتوديسك ماكس 2019 | Autodesk 3ds Max 2019
والمعتاد والمتعارف علية دائما ان يجمع الاصدار الجديد كل التحديثات التي تمت خلال العام الفاصل بينه وبين الاصدار الذي يسبقة مع تحسينات كبيرة واضافات جديدة تخص الاصدار الحالي فقط

تجدون في هذا الفيديو كل الجديد بخصوص هذه النسخة

mardi 24 septembre 2013

publish share and embed 3D model

I  found this amazing site, you can  add in it your works in 3D in realtime, no just sharing it as pic...but like a video in realtime....

* Share interactive 3D models.
* 27 native 3D formats supported.
* No plug-i required.
* And free ultimated uploads.
 you need more information ? go o this site from HER


Hello and welcome again.
 to day i show to you, my visitor, this best site web, it's about all type of free model in .3ds :

Furnishing, Equipment and Appliances, People and Related Ware, Site Improvements, 2D Simbols, Structure, Doors and Windows, and Kitchen....
downoad what you want and whene you want....

Check  it from HER and begin download without subcription

lundi 23 septembre 2013

3ds Max Modeling for Games Vol.1 & Vol.2 & DVD Tutorial

Hi again and again.

 this is the most  nice tutorial for the lovers of game modeling, carracter or car or builsing
 see it it's  very good tutorials.......

dowload it from her

If get link die or problem with unrar file , send request to bit.ly/124uJzh

V ray 2 40 for 3ds max 2014

Hi again.


this is the new version of v ray for 3ds max 2014 32/64bit

New Features:

(* ) Support for 3ds Max 2014;
(*) V-Ray RT: Support for MultiScatter instancing;
(*) V-Ray RT: Support for Phoenix FD 2.1; Modified Features:
(*) V-Ray: Changed Default settings of VFB's sRGB Button, "Do not Affect colors" option and "Gamma" value to Suit Linear Workflow from the start;
(*) VRayCarPaint: Added Support for displacement texture Channel;
(*) VRayHDRI: Made Open file dialog to Remember the Last used file type filter;
(*) VRayHDRI: The Image file is now Reloaded if IT HAD Been changed outside 3ds Max;
(*) VRayMtl: Added Self-illumination slot;
(*) Raw Files OpenEXR now have ZIPS Compression by Default; Bug fixes:
(*) VRayProxy: Objects Pointing to vrmesh Files Without EX tension did not render;
(*) V-Ray RT: When A Fixed crash Texmap is Attached to an Environment disabled override slot;
(*) V-Ray RT: Fixed error DURING Initialization When bitmaps Auto update is enabled;
(*) V-Ray RT: Fixed Wrong DOF with physical Camera;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed crash with Materials mapped with IOR;
(*) VRayIESLight: Fixed issue Causing Wrong override Shape dimensions When loading, if the Previous Scene Setup HAD different units;
(*) VRayMultiSubTex: Fixed issue Preventing drag and drop Operations for subtex with Index Greater than 20; (*) VRayPTex: A Fixed crash at the end of A rendering;
( *) V-Ray Light Lister: Fixed error in 3ds Max 2014.
you can dwonload it from her :







Render Element in Mental ray 3.10 3ds max 2014

Hi .
 in this short video you can find waht we can do with  the best render engine in the world MENTAL RAY , this is a presentaion about the Render element with it  in 3ds max 2014.
good show
Hi concepters-mans.
see what you can realy do with 3ds max and eon vue xtream inthis very nice showreel :


mercredi 19 décembre 2012

Digital Tutors - Asset Workflows for Modular Level Design in 3ds Max

In this series of tutorials, we will discuss the process for creating assets for use in Modular Level Design. We will start off by planning out a texture sheet using reference. In this phase we'll discuss the importance of building a solid texture sheet that is flexible to accommodate most geometry. After that we will set up our Photoshop document by creating a grid that blocks out our texture space. Then we'll jump into creating several textures that will be utilized by our modular assets.

After we've completed our texture sheet, we'll jump into creating geometry by making a simple wall and we'll gradually build up our set by combining and modifying our geometry. Finally, we'll end the tutorial by testing our assets in a game engine.
DOWNLOAD : http://lumfile.com/cg9qnpz3gcea/Digital.Tutors..Asset.Workflows.for.Modular.Level.Design.in.3ds.Max.part1.rar.html
mORE iNFO dl4all.com

vendredi 14 décembre 2012

Evermotion San Juan Video Tutorial updated

Learn how Daniel Schmid has created an award winning 3D art ? San Juan. This tutorial is splited into 9 chapters with fully narrated video in both english and spanish language version.

This tutorial is covering the whole creation process from start to finish covering the following topics: inspiration, layout, modeling, dynamics vrayproxy, shading, lighting and postproduction.
Complete 3D scene included (prepared for 3dsmax 2011 and V-ray 1.5)
All videos are recorded in 720p resolution (1280x720px).
PhtsX plugin used in tutorial chapter 04 Dynamics.
Table of content :
1. Inspiration;
2. Layout;
3. Modeling;
4. Dynamics & V-ray proxy;
5. Shading;
6. Light part 01;
7. Light part 02;
8. Postproduction;
9. Conclusion;
*.max ? V-Ray 1.5 ? or higher ? with textures and shaders
*.max 2011 -or higher

Download from her:
http://extabit.com/file/2791pupd4peft/Evermotion San Juan.rar


3D Studio Max Video Tutorial on Modeling

Basic Modeling in 3D Studio Max - Get started on using 3DS Max for modeling
Introduction to Modeling
Polygonal Modeling
Polygonal Modeling in a Human Body
Spline and Patch Modeling
Spline Modeling a Head
Modeling Vol. 2:
NURBS Modeling
Modeling an Automobile with NURBS
 Download from her: 

OR from her:

OR from her:
...........(source from d4all).

Sitni Sati – ScatterVL Pro 1.9R for 3Ds Max 2013

ScatterVL Pro will let you alter any aspect of volumetric light, even to use own projector map! Included SVL Caustic Map plugin enables caustics inside the volume. Since this map is actually faking caustics effect, rendering times are pretty close as rendering with Shadow Maps.
For the most demanding tasks, built in finalRender suport will provide interface to the special effects such as raytraced caustics.

 Download from 
from same source

Mastering Aut0desk 3ds Max 2013 Video Training

A 3D-animated movie set in Paris in the year 1910 and centered on a monster who lives in a garden and his love for a beautiful, young singer. Paris.

Dwonlad from her

from dl4all.com

Creating Concept Vehicles in 3DS Max

In this series of tutorials we'll learn how to create a concept vehicle from beginning to end. We'll start out by learning how to develop silhouettes for a vehicle and then we'll develop that idea by creating a simple sketch. Once we have a solid direction, we'll jump into 3ds Max and begin creating a 3d thumbnail to help us better develop our concept. Once the 3d thumbnail is developed, we'll start modeling out the individual panels of the vehicle. We'll finish off the tutorial by creating our rendering environment and creating our materials.

Download from her

source from : dl4all

lundi 10 décembre 2012

Mad Car plguin for max 2014-2020

< Post updated for new fersion and updated links >


Hi friends, to day i share with you this   plguin.....to animate   your cars with w very easy way....

this is exemple for what you can do with his plguin..
and this is a tutorial t know how you can use it in 3ds max

you can download the last version for this plguin FROM HER
it work with max 2014-2020

jeudi 6 décembre 2012

3D printer

3D printing is becoming more democratic.

The reason? The output of the first 3D printers actually public.
The printer "Solidoodle" sold less than 400 euros and capable of printing objects over 15cm printer "The Cube" at $ 1390.
The principle of 3D printing: materialize the object creates a 3D software like 3DS Max / Maya, somehow, the opposite approach to dematerialization (or scanning).

plus info at http://web-tech.fr/impression-3d

Populate-terrain: New script

< Link's Are upadate on 2019 June 18 >

Hi friend to day i share with you this great script.....Populate-terrain.....
generate road with best way....
very nice way to he amendment to the land and packaged

Download from =>>>> HER

Or from ==========> Her

mercredi 5 décembre 2012

Mental Ray render preset

Hello every one....
to day I want  to share with you best of preset for mental ray exterior daylight rendering

...simple guide  to how import it.

 1/ choose render setup from render.
2/ go to common panel.
3/ And from preset choose load and chosse your preset fille....
after that click on load all.
 Download it from HER

InfiniteSkills Release "Character Modeling in Autodesk 3DS Max Tutorial" Hands-On Guide to 3D-Modeling

The company issued last week infinite-skills studied a new professional training talking about the subject character modelling ... how to use the tools and techniques modelling Professional
But this time, the course content is not limited to only 3ds max view .... suit all design programs 3d.

3D modeling refers to the process of creating a mathematical representation of a three-dimensional surface or object, for instance most figures found in modern video games and animated video. Modeling is part of a workflow for creating 3D animation that also involves processes of rigging the movements of the character and finally animating the models.
InfiniteSkills' Character Modeling in Autodesk 3DS Max Video Tutorial teaches all the skills, concepts, and techniques necessary for creating life-like, highly detailed and anatomically complex figures that are ready to be rigged and animated.
 some videos from 96-lesson course :

and more at infiniteskills

mardi 4 décembre 2012

e-on software vue 11 all products

the e-on vue 11 is  a natural solution software.
for professionals users, it have vue 11 x stream, the integrated solution for 3ds max and other software, this new version is  ready to use with 3ds max 2013 and 2013 design.
Vue xStream offers professional CG artists a complete toolset for creating and rendering exceptionally rich and realistic natural environments in 3ds Max, .
Access all the power of the world's leading 3D Digital Nature solution directly from within your favorite application. Create and edit beautifully detailed natural environments using your application's standard manipulators.
Render everything together inside 3ds Max 

Civil view for 3ds max 2013 design

autodesk merged civil view to 3ds max 2013 design, for the architect user,
what we can do with civil view ?
* Rotating wheels for animated vehicles generated from imported traffic data files.
* Import support for AutoCAD Civil 3D Alignment/Profile geometry.
* Improved performance for 12D Ascii File Import Panel.
* The following panels now support start station data for imported alignments and corridor baselines: Object Placement Style Editor, Swept Object Style Editor (Build New Parent Shape option), Station (Chainage) Text Placement Tool.
* Fully Context Sensitive Help.
* Start station data is now permanently retained for imported AutoCAD Civil 3D Corridor Baselines.
* Optimized Object Placement Style Editor: when the Apply button is pressed to update the viewport, only the style elements which have been modified since the last update are applied to the scene. Previously, all style elements were updated in the scene when the Apply button was pressed..
* New LandXML Import Panel.
* Import support for AutoCAD Civil 3D Pipe Network geometry.
* Rotating wheels for animated vehicles placed using Object Placement Style Editor.
 from www.3am-solutions.co.uk.

Mental ray What's new in Version 3.10

-Ptex Support

The Ptex texture mapping system and file format developed by Walt Disney Animation Studios is now supported for rendering of ccmesh subdivision surface geometry. The new base shader mib_ptex_lookup is provided that performs lookup of the texturing information at render time. Since it is utilizing third-party runtime implementation delivered with mental ray the shader comes as a separate package ptex.dll/.so/.dylib.

In order to enable Ptex per-face assignment the ccmesh surfaces need to carry additional data when computed. This can be enabled globally using a registry key, or per object with a new optional bary attribute.

-iray 2.0

The iray version 2.0 is a major update of this rendering mode built into mental ray. It provides numerous improvements in performance and quality, like native support for BSDF layering in the rendering core. This version is using the latest release of CUDA, thus it is supporting, and will actually take benefit from, most recent GPU hardware, like the NVIDIA Fermi architecture.

-Hair Ray Tracing Performance

Hair rendering with ray tracing uses a new acceleration structure, which results in significantly better performance and lower memory consumption. For backwards compatibility, the previous behavior can be enabled with a string option. The improvement is especially noticeable when computing shadows and detail shadow maps(10-30%). The image quality is increased at the same time by raising the intersection precision. In addition, a transparency depth limit of 250 has been implemented for hair ray tracing, similar to the the value used in the rasterizer, to avoid excessive computations for big chunks of hair.

-Detail Shadow Map Features

The quality of detail shadow maps has been improved. The data size of high-depth detail shadow maps has been reduced. Furthermore, a new string option allows to optimize size and quality of a detail shadow map.

-Unified Sampling Features

The support for unified sampling in mental ray and in shaders has been extended. The min/max sampling limits can now be specified per object. For convenience, the unified sampling feature can be controlled from the command line of a standalone mental ray.

-TIFF Image Format Features

The support for TIFF image format has been extended with more features, like

reading LZW compressed images,
reading and writing in tiled format, suitable for texture caching.

The output of tiled images in mental ray can be enforced with a frame buffer attribute. Using the imf_copy tool, a tiled TIFF file can be created using the -p option. Note, that the resulting TIFF subformat is not compatible with mental ray 3.8 and earlier, including its image tools. Tiled TIFF images may not be supported by external image manipulation tools.

-OpenEXR Stereo Support

The OpenEXR Multiview extension is now supported and used to create stereoscopic ("sxr") image files. This allows to store the images for left and right eye in a single .exr (or .sxr) file. This behavior can be enabled per frame buffer by specifying a datatype "sxr", or globally by using a registry setting. Note, that the imf_disp tool is able to display only mental ray generated multiview OpenEXR files. For other ones created with external tools, camera names may be interpreted as conventional layer names.

-Texture Caching Features

This version improves control of texture caching as well as reporting of cache performance and statistics. mental ray now prints out texture cache mode and cache size limit in the options info banner before each frame rendering. For each cached image file, ie. cached texture or frame buffer, it prints statistics about the number of pixel accesses and per-thread local cache coherency rate. At end of rendering, mental ray prints accumulated statistics. The dynamically computed texture cache memory is based on the size of the uncompressed textures in memory instead of the file size as used in earlier versions. In particular, the memory used for rendering no longer depends on the type of texture compression used.

-Subdivision Mesh Features

The ccmesh subdivision mesh geometry now supports approximation with the sharp property, to achieve faceted rendering look. In addition, per-face user data can now be attached to a ccmesh object. Finally, the previous limit of two texture spaces for ccmesh geometry has been lifted, and up to four texture spaces are now supported for texture seam computation.

-Initial Alembic Support

The Alembic open source interchange framework and file format is supported in an initial form. A new shader abcimport is provided to read static or animated geometry like polygon or subdivision meshes and NURBS surfaces from Alembic files, including support for loading them on demand only during rendering.

-Deprecated Scanline Features

This mental ray version deprecates scanline as its default rendering mode, but promotes ray tracing as the primary renderer instead. This allows to take benefit from greatly improved ray tracing speed using latest achievements in BSP2 acceleration, as well as noticeably reduced memory consumption especially for larger scenes by avoiding to keep extra rasterization data. To help transitioning, mental ray adds support for previous scanline-only functionality in ray tracing mode, like

clip rendering of geometry on camera hither/yon planes, enabled with a string option,
compute motion vectors including camera movement, enabled with a string option.

-New Shader Package

The new shader package useribl comes with mental ray. It supports convenient workflows for lighting from environment maps or from textured area lights similar to the built-in IBL functionality, this time provided as separate shader nodes with extended functionality.

-New Subsurface Shaders

Improved subsurface scattering shaders misss_fast_shader2(_x) have been added with extended features towards production purposes. Consequently, two skin phenomena misss_phen_skin2_mia_phen(_d) are available that are based on these shaders.

:cool: Good work Nvidia !
(posted from cgsociety)

3ds max 2013

Back to basics, this news devoted to the dynamic new version of 3dsmax 2013

Her is a small pdf , 50 pages written just for YOU
This pdf is currently a "simple" overview "some" news ...
Others are discovered