mercredi 5 décembre 2012

InfiniteSkills Release "Character Modeling in Autodesk 3DS Max Tutorial" Hands-On Guide to 3D-Modeling

The company issued last week infinite-skills studied a new professional training talking about the subject character modelling ... how to use the tools and techniques modelling Professional
But this time, the course content is not limited to only 3ds max view .... suit all design programs 3d.

3D modeling refers to the process of creating a mathematical representation of a three-dimensional surface or object, for instance most figures found in modern video games and animated video. Modeling is part of a workflow for creating 3D animation that also involves processes of rigging the movements of the character and finally animating the models.
InfiniteSkills' Character Modeling in Autodesk 3DS Max Video Tutorial teaches all the skills, concepts, and techniques necessary for creating life-like, highly detailed and anatomically complex figures that are ready to be rigged and animated.
 some videos from 96-lesson course :

and more at infiniteskills

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